Cousin Nicknames | Funny Cute Nicknames For Cousins

Cousin Nicknames | 131+ Funny Cute Nicknames For Cousins

Cousin Nicknames | Looking for nicknames for cousins? Don’t worry. In this post, I’m sharing my collection of nicknames for cousins.

There are nicknames for just about everything, but what nicknames do you call your cousins? In this article, we will explore handles for cousins and find out how to get a nickname from your Cousin.

It’s vital to have nicknames for your cousins because it helps you feel more connected.

The nicknames can be sweet, funny, or just plain silly. You can call them nicknames like “nickname” or “cousin.” And if you’re looking for some nicknames, look no further than this article.

In this post, I’ve shared my collection of nicknames for cousins. You can use these nicknames for all types of cousins.

Funny Nicknames For Cousins

  • Funny Nicknames For Cousins
  • Cool Nicknames For Cousins

Are you looking for funny nicknames for cousins? Don’t panic, You are in the right place. Here, I’ve shared my list of funny nicknames for cousins.

Cousins are fun, but sometimes you can’t remember their names. Nicknames for cousins are a great way to help you keep track of which person is who and what they’re like.

But coming up with funny nicknames for your cousins is challenging, So I created a list to help you.

Below I have mentioned my list of funny nicknames for cousins. You can use these funny cousin nicknames and have fun with your cousins.

If your cousins are tall or have beautiful blonde hair, then check my list of nicknames for tall people and blonde nicknames for more cool ideas. You can also read nicknames for black guys and black girls if they are black.

  • Bone Head – funny cousin nickname for a funny and silly cousin
  • Crazy Cousin – funny nicknames to call cousins who are crazy
  • Silly Billy – funny nickname for a funny kind of guy.
  • Tubby Cuz – funny name for your chubby cousin.
  • Bubbles – funny nickname for a bubbly cousin.
  • Zoolander – If your cousin looks like a hot mess in public, call them ‘Zoolander (for obvious reasons).
  • Piggy Back – funny name for a cousin who loves piggyback rides.
  • Beanie Head – your cute cousin, might like to wear a beanie all the time, so this is an appropriate nickname.
  • Wombat – funny nickname for someone with no teeth!
  • Sir Squirtalot – if you have a cousin (male) who always has some kind of liquids around his shirt area, he’s Sir squirts-a lot.
  • Doodle Bug – If your little cousin looks just like a bug when sleeping, Call them doodlebug.
  • Hairclip – If your cousin has a bizarre hairstyle, Call them Hairclip.
  • Cuz Jame – For you cousine name james.
  • Lambchop – funny nickname for a cute and cuddly person!
  • Turtle – If you have a slow-moving cousin who is always in the shell when playing video games, etc., they’re a turtle.
  • Asparagus – if your little cousin looks like an asparagus stick when they are sleeping, call them Asparagus!
  • Lefty – If your left-handed cousins love to use their left hand more than right.
  • Pizza Face – This one might be a bit cruel, but it’s still pretty funny.
  • Harry My Cousin – For those who like Harry Potter and their cousin is a wizard.
  • Crazy Cousin – If your cousins are really crazy, then this nickname will be perfect for them.
  • Tootsie Roll – This one’s fun too because it sounds so sweet but has the hint of something perverted as well.
  • Peanut Butter Jelly Time – A funny nickname for your fatty cousin.
  • Big Nose – call him Big nose to remind him how big his actual nose is.

Cute Cousin Nicknames For Cute Cousins

Cute Cousin Nicknames For Cute Cousins
Cute Cousin Nicknames For Cute Cousins

Do you need cute nicknames for cousins? Don’t worry. In this post, I’m sharing my list of cute nicknames for cute cousins.

Cute nicknames for cousins are cute and sweet. You can call your Cousin with cute names. They feel good when you call her some cute name that matches their personality.

So, here I have a list of cute nicknames for your Cousin to use as an inspiration if you’re looking for pretty names to give your cousins.

Below is my list of cute nicknames to call your cousins.

If you have a cousin, brother, or sister, then you must check my list of bro nicknames and nicknames for sisters. If your cousin uses Snapchat, then you must check my Snapchat nicknames and nicknames for tall girls.

  • Sweetheart – Everyone loves this one! It’s the most famous nickname in the world because it just means “sweet,” and that everyone should be called this way at least once in their lives.
  • Love Bug – This one has been around since 1939! If there was ever a classic nickname for girls from guys.
  • Cupcake – Everyone loves cupcakes, right? If you want cute nicknames for girls (or boys), this one is a perfect choice.
  • Cutie Patootie – This cute name has been around since 1944! It’s cute and romantic at the same time.
  • Honey Dumplin’ – Honey dumplings are delicious. So calling your cousin with this nickname will make her feel happy to be contacted like that.
  • Huggies – Hugs are great all day long, whether it comes from friends or family members, especially cousins.
  • Snuggle Bug – If you love snuggling with your cousin, then this is the perfect nickname for them.
  • Sugar Lips – This one has been around since 1940! It’s cute and romantic at the same time.
  • Candy – Everyone loves candy, right? So calling them like that will make them feel special.
  • Honey Bunch – Honeybunch is another classic sweet pet name of all time that perfectly fits cousins as well.
  • Sparky – Sparky was first used in 1938 to describe a young person who had abundant energy. It perfectly describes how active some cousins are, just like toddlers.
  • Bubbies / Bubby – Bubbies (short form of bubba) was first used in the early 1920s to refer to an affectionate name for a boy.
  • Snookums – This word has been around since 1981! If there was ever a classic nickname for girls from guys.
  • Winky Dink – Winky dink is one of those cute pet names that make everyone laugh, especially when you call your cousin with this name.
  • Tootie – Tootie was first registered as slang back in 1895 and meant “sweetheart,” It perfectly describes how sweet some cousins are, just like toddlers.
  • Cuddle Bug – Cuddling is always great whether it comes from friends or family members, especially cousins.
  • Cuddle Cakes – This is a more modern version of the last one.
  • Snuggle Bunny – If you want cute nicknames for girls (or boys), this one will do just fine, and it’s another excellent choice to go with.
  • Pumpkin – Everyone loves pumpkins, right? And calling your cousin like that will make her feel happy to be contacted like that too.
  • Angel Face/ Angel Child – If she looks like an angel or has something about her that makes you think of angels, then these would both work well as pet names for cousins.
  • Sugar Lips – Calling someone sugar lips can either mean they’re sweet and tasty-looking or have luscious soft lips.

Girl Cousin Nicknames For Female Cousins

Girl Cousin Nicknames For Female Cousins
Girl Cousin Nicknames For Female Cousins

In search of nicknames for female cousins? Don’t worry, Your hunt is over. Here I’m sharing my list of nicknames for cousin girls.

Girl cousins are the person whom we feel connected with because of blood and friendly relations.

We all need good names for our girl cousins that make them feel special and loved; don’t let these little things go unnoticed.

Here I’m sharing my collection of nicknames for female cousins. You can use these nicknames to call cousin girls.

If your cousin girl loves playing games, check my list of gamer girls nicknames and gamer of nicknames. You can also read nicknames for blue eyes and green eyes if she has beautiful eyes.

  • Cousin Doll – If she is always perfect in her appearance or has beautiful eyes like a doll, call her Cousin Doll.
  • Cousin Queen – If your cousin thinks herself superior to everyone else and acts like royalty.
  • Cousin Fox – If she is a calm and composed person, you can call her Cousin Fox.
  • Cousin Chick – If she is a fun person and constantly chirps.
  • Cousin Sunshine – If your cousin is always cheerful and brings joy to everyone around her.
  • Pintsize – If your female cousin is a short girl.
  • Miss Sis – If she is the younger sibling of your mother or father, then you can call her Miss Sis.
  • Cousin Princess – If she has a high opinion about herself and always looks down upon others.
  • Sista – If she is a girl with whom you share an intimate friendship, call her Sista.
  • Baby Doll – She’s always been your baby doll since childhood.
  • Queen Bee – You cousin girl, who you like the most.
  • Sweetie – A sweet nickname for cousin girl.
  • Bamby – You can use this If you have a tall girl cousin.
  • Twinkie – For your cute female cousin.
  • Red Code – It’s a cool nickname for a redhead girl cousin.

Boy Cousin Nicknames For Male Cousins

Boy Cousin Nicknames For Male Cousins
Boy Cousin Nicknames For Male Cousins

Searching for nicknames for male cousin boys? Don’t worry, I’m sharing my collection of cute names to call male cousins.

Growing up together, you and your male Cousin were as close to a brother as any real brother could ever be.

You might actually even like him more than the biological one. He’ll always be there for advice on everything from girls to sports.

So let his nickname reflect just how important he has been in all of these years since you became best friends at such an early age.

So, here is a list of nicknames for cousin boys. You can use these nicknames to call your male cousins.

You can also read nicknames for mom and dad to make your mom dad happy. If your male cousins have a beard or he’s muscular, then you can check nicknames for muscular guys and beard nicknames.

  • Dude – This is the most common nickname for boys.
  • Man – This is a short and sweet nickname for men.
  • Bro – This is another popular name used to call your guy friends.
  • Buddy – If you want something shorter, this could be the perfect fit.
  • Pal – A casual way of saying that he’s one of your besties.
  • Bae – If you want something modern and cute, this is perfect for your guy.
  • My Love/Darling – A romantic way of calling him the love of your life.
  • The Hulk – If your cousin is a tall guy and muscular.
  • Handsome Guy – This one’s a great pick if he is handsome or has that swag going on, which just makes people look at him in awe.
  • Teddy Bear – He might not be so cuddly. Still, when it comes to his looks, there isn’t any girl who doesn’t think about how adorable he is with those cute eyes and dimples when they see them together.
  • Lover Boy – He knows how to make you feel special when no other man can do that.
  • My King – A good nickname for a man who knows how to treat you like the queen you are and make your world go round when it’s in shambles.
  • Captain America/America – This one is perfect if he has always been there for you no matter what situation.
  • Honey Bunny – If he loves his honey, this name will put him on cloud nine every time he thinks about himself being called as such by his sweetheart.
  • Thing One & Thing Two – It sounds silly, but hey, they’re cousins.
  • Buzzy Cuzzy – It’s sweet and short.
  • Big Guy – This is for the guy who has always been your protector, no matter what age he might be right now.
  • Lover – A name that can express all his feelings in one word.
  • Baby Cakes/Cupcake – Sweet names given to a sweety whose sweetness never fades away with time but only gets more.
  • Pooky Wookums – No explanation required, I guess.
  • Tiger – A name for a guy who’s solid and robust.
  • Hagrid/Rider Of The Black Dragon – Hagrid is the half-giant friend of Harry Potter. Rider Of The Black Dragon was Frodo Baggins’ companion to destroy the Ring at Mount Doom.
  • Big Foot/Groot/Sasquatch – It’s a great nickname for your big guy.

Nicknames For Group Of Cousins

Nicknames For Group Of Cousins
Nicknames For Group Of Cousins

Are you looking for nicknames for a group of cousins? Don’t worry, Here I’m sharing nicknames for your group of cousins.

You and your cousins were like a pack of wolves, ready to hunt down any enemy that crossed into the territory.

Even when grown-ups, you can still spend time with each other. You talk about old times or catch up on each other’s lives.

Some people have friends who are their cousins. If you have more than one friend who is your Cousin, you can call them by a group nickname.

Cousins are friends who always help each other. They usually call each other by nickname. It is good to have a name to contact your Cousin when they are in trouble because it sounds nicer than their real name.

In this section, I’m sharing my list of nicknames for a group of cousins. These cousin group nicknames will help you create a strong bond with your Cousin.

  • Cousins’ Gang – This name will be great for a group of cousins who used to play together.
  • Cousin Crew – If you have a big number in your cousin’s group, This nick will be best for them.
  • The Clan – this is good when there are many girls in the group.
  • Dear Cuz – use it if your female cousins prefer someone cute nicknames like Dear or Darling, etc.
  • Cousin Clique – if you have many cousins in your group, This nick will help to call them.
  • My Cousins – use this nick for all of your male and female cousins.
  • The Mobb – no need to explain its meaning; it’s self-explanatory.
  • My Cousin Crew – nick for a group of cousins who hang out together.
  • Cousin Bunch – nick that can be used if your cousin’s gang is huge and mixed with both boys and girls.
  • Dear Cousins‘ – nickname will suit them best when they are very close relatives or good friends since childhood, etc.
  • Bro Code Forever – A good nickname for your cousin’s group.
  • Dozen Cousins – You know it.
  • Soul Sistas – The group you created with your cousin girl.
  • Super Squad – For your massive cousin’s squad.

Gender Neutral Cousin Nicknames For All Cousins

Gender Neutral Cousin Nicknames For All Cousins
Gender Neutral Cousin Nicknames For All Cousins

Do you want gender-neutral nicknames for cousins? Don’t worry, Here I’m sharing my list of gender-neutral nicknames for cousins.

Yes, gender-neutral nicknames are essential. For example, you can call someone “Gigi” instead of “George.” This way, you know who and what they are like without knowing the person’s name or gender.

Girls and boys can call each other friends. It doesn’t matter if one is male and the other is female. They can be friends, too.

So here I have shared some Gender Neutral Nicknames For Cousins that will help you create a solid bond with your cousins.

If you have a cousin who is gay, then you can check gay nicknames and nicknames for gay guys and gay girls for more ideas.

  • Cuzzie – This gender-neutral term of endearment for cousins is sometimes used in place of “cousin.”
  • Cuz – This gender-neutral term of endearment for cousins is sometimes used in place of “cousin.”
  • Dudette/ Dude – These gender-neutral terms are gender fluid and can be used as a gender-neutral name to call your cousin.
  • Left Side – This gender-neutral term of endearment for cousins is sometimes used in place of “cousin.”
  • Lil Bro/ Lil Sis – These gender-neutral terms are also gender fluid and can be used as a gender-neutral name to call your cousin.
  • Cuz A Lot – This gender-neutral term of endearment for cousins is sometimes used in place of “cousin.”
  • Bratty Cuz/ Bratty Cousin – These gender-neutral terms are also gender fluid. They can be used as a gender-neutral name to call your brattish cousin brother or sister.
  • Other Half – A cute nickname for your loved cousin.
  • Little Buddy / Little Sister – This gender-neutral nickname for cousins will help you create a strong bond with your cousin.
  • Little Cuz – This gender-neutral term of endearment for cousins is sometimes used in place of “cousin.”
  • Lil Bro/ Lil Sis – These gender-neutral terms are also gender fluid and can be used as a gender-neutral name to call your cousin.
  • Kid Cousin / Kid Brother / Kid Sister – These gender-neutral nicknames are perfect if you have kid cousins.
  • Runner Up – This gender-neutral term of endearment for cousins is sometimes used in place of “cousin.”

Nicknames For Cousins In Different Languages

  • Nicknames For Cousins In Different Languages
  • Nicknames For Cousins In Spanish

Now, It’s time to know nicknames for cousins in different languages. You can use these nicknames when you are talking with your Cousin in their native language.

Here I’m sharing nicknames for male and female cousins of various countries around the world.

These nicknames will help you understand how people from different cultures worldwide call their cousins in their own mother tongue.

So here is my list of nicknames for cousins that speak other languages like English, French or Spanish, etc.

  • Primos – Spanish
  • Cugino – Italian
  • Cugina – Italian
  • Cousine – French
  • KuzenTurkish
  • Primo – Potuguese
  • Prima – Portuguese
  • Neef – Dutch
  • Var – Romanian
  • Cousine – German
  • Serkku – Finnish
  • Zarmic – Armanian
  • Kasegi – Samoan
  • Rodak – Serbian
  • Kusin – Swedish
  • Cognata – Latin
  • Pismam – Kurdish
  • Nobu – Estonian
  • Pinsan – Filpino
  • Kugin – Maltese
  • Qarindosh – Uzbek
  • Kuzyn – Polish
  • Bratic – Crotian

FAQs On Cousin Nicknames

Here I’m answering some of your frequently asked questions about cousins and nicknames for cousins.

What are good nicknames for cousins?

There are many good nicknames for cousins that you can use to call your cousins, I have mentioned some below.
My Gal
Bio Bro
Angel Face
Bone Head
Cuddle Bug
Honey Bunch

What is the spanish word for cousin?

Primo is a word for a cousin in both Spanish and Portuguese. It can also mean “male cousin” in Latin America, Central America, the Caribbean, and the Philippines.

What is the best group name for cousins?

The best group name for cousins is ‘ cousin crew.’ This way, everyone knows they are addressing relatives.

How do you talk to Cousins?

It is very easy to think of your cousin like a sister or brother to whom you are not related by blood. This person is your family.
You can start the conversation by asking them questions like how the day was. This will help you make the conversation interesting, and your cousin will be more likely to talk longer with you.

What is a female cousin called?

You can use “Miss Siss” or “Sista” to call your female cousins. It’s easy, and you can remember thee easily.


So, that’s all for now. Here I’ve shared nicknames for cousins. You can use these nicknames to call your Cousin.

These nicknames will help you create a solid bond with your Cousin and strengthen the relationship between them.

It may be helpful while calling out to each other on the phone or any time when face-to-face is not possible.

I love my cousins, and I use cute nicknames for them so we can stay close. I think you should do the same with your cousins.

So I hope you like my collection of cousin nicknames. Please share it with your cousins, friends, and family on social media if you like my list.

If you have any cool nickname ideas for cousins, Please share your thoughts in the comments, I appreciate your feedback, and I’ll see you next time, Pace Out.

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